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Home \ Support \ Accelerus Light Administrators \ Troubleshooting & FAQ \ Support \ Accelerus Light Administrators \ Troubleshooting \ What do the messages mean when importing a Home Groups CSV file?

What do the messages mean when importing a Home Groups CSV file?

When you attempt to import an XML file into Accelerus Light, you will see message relating to the data being imported. Here is a list of the most common:

Home groups where home group teacher 1 varies

  • This will occur for home groups with only one home group teacher and the names of the home group teachers will be added because the Student XML file that was imported earlier does not contain the home group teacher name.
  • The action to select is usually Change all home groups.

Home groups where there are two (or multiple) variations

  • This is similar to the case above but where there are two teachers to a home group. In addition, it will occur when the name of the home group in Accelerus does not match the code of the home group, eg the code is 23A and in Accelerus the name is 2/3A or Home Group 23A.
  • The action should be Change all home groups.

Home groups that will be deleted, ie those that are in semester 2 but not in semester 1

  • If home group codes have changed between semester 1 and 2, eg when home group codes contain the teacher's initial and the teacher has changed, these new home groups will have been created in the importation of the Student XML file.
  • However, they will not exist in semester 1.
  • When this occurs, do not delete the existing home groups found in semester 2 already, as these are required.

Home groups that will be created, ie these are in semester 1 but not in semester 2

  • This will also occur when home group codes have changed between semester 1 and 2, eg when home group codes contain the teacher's initial and the teacher has changed.
  • In this case, you should not add these old home groups but manually make changes to the new home groups added automatically via the importing of the Student XML file.