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Home \ Support \ Accelerus Administrators \ Support \ Accelerus Light Administrators \ Troubleshooting \ What is the best way to archive reports?

What is the best way to archive reports?

There are two recommended ways to archive your reports.

  1. Finalise your reports
    • Do not run your archiving process until your reports, including any last fixes, have been completed.
  2. Process your reports in the format you want to archive your reports
    • In the fourth screen where you choose which type of report you wish to print (New report job – Select output format window) choose either: Produce zip file containing individual reports optionally grouped by folder or Produce a zip file containing your custom structure. These options will do the following:
      • Produce a zip file containing individual student reports optionally grouped by folder.
        This option is the best if you intend to keep all reports for a year level / home group together in the same location. Choose either Home Group \ Student Details or Year Level \ Student details to indicate when you need a folder to be made. For example:
        Brown, Mary - BRO0002 \2021 Semester 1 Year 5 - BRO0002.pdf
        Brown, Mary - BRO0002 \2021 Semester 2 Year 5 - BRO0002.pdf
      • Produce a zip file containing your custom structure.
        This option is the best if you intend to keep all of the reports for a student in the one location. If you wish to do so, use a custom format such as:
        <Family Name>, <Given Name> - <Student Code>\<Annual> <Report Name> <Year Level Name> - <Student Code>.
        This will make a folder for each student with their Family Name, Given Name and Student code as the name of the folder. It will then put the student report in this folder – over multiple years you will the get all the reports for a student within the folder. For example:
        Brown, Mary - BRO0002 \ 2021 Semester 1 Year 5 - BRO0002.pdf
        Brown, Mary - BRO0002 \ 2021 Semester 2 Year 5 - BRO0002.pdf
        It is recommended that the file name always contains the student code or name.
  3. Download the reports
    • Once the reports have completed processing click the Download button and save the file to where you want it to be saved.
  4. Unzip the reports
    • Go to where you saved the downloaded file
    • Right click on the file
    • Select Extract All
    • In the path to extract to, select the main folder you want your reports to be extracted to – for example, if using Produce zip file containing individual reports optionally grouped by folder, you would have a folder on your network for reports and a folder within it for the correct year (eg 2021), if you are using Produce a zip file containing your custom structure you would have a folder on the network for reports without a folder for the current year.
    • Click 'Extract'